Results for 'Feminist Anti-Violence Discourse'

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  1. Helen Reece.Feminist Anti-Violence Discourse - 2009 - In Shelley Day Sclater, Regulating autonomy: sex, reproduction and family. Portland, Or.: Hart.
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    Humiliation as a Harm of Sexual Violence: Feminist versus Neoliberal Perspectives.Dianna Taylor - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):434-450.
    This essay provides an account of humiliation as a manifestation of the relationship one has to oneself. This account elucidates two important insights: first, that all sexual violence and not only public gang rape humiliates and, second, that appeals to the neoliberal notion of resilience undermine feminist efforts to counter sexual violence. The first part of the essay provides an overview of the idea of a relation of self to self and its significance, presents humiliation specifically as (...)
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    Human Rights Penality and Violence Against Women: The Coloniality of Disembodied Justice.Silvana Tapia Tapia - forthcoming - Law and Critique:1-25.
    Despite the persistence of violence inside and around prisons, and the dubious adequacy of criminal law to respond to victim–survivors, international human rights (IHR) discourse increasingly promotes the mobilisation of the state’s penal apparatus to respond to human rights violations, including violence against women (VAW). Using an anticolonial feminist approach, this article scrutinises the ontological and epistemological commitments underlying ‘human rights penality,’ by analysing features of the Western-colonial register vis-a-vis more relational worldviews. Separateness, abstraction, and transcendence (...)
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    An immanent critique of the prison nation.Eva Boodman - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (5):571-592.
    More women are currently incarcerated than at any other time in US history. Though the United States has begun to acknowledge mass incarceration as an international embarrassment, the discourse has centered on men of color, and the experiences and consequences of US mass incarceration for women of color have been largely ignored. This is the case in spite of a now strong mainstream, institutionalized movement to end violence against women, and a growing prison reform movement ostensibly meant to (...)
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    Cologne and the (un)making of transnational approaches to sexual violence.Júlia Garraio - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):129-144.
    The sexual assaults reported on New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne posed major challenges to feminists struggling with the tensions and entanglements of feminism, imperialism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, sexism and nationalism. The aim of the present article is to examine these tensions through an analysis of the pressures framing the positionality of discourses. It examines how feminists, framed by the larger Western debates about the ‘failure of multiculturalism’ and the global Islamophobia underpinning the ‘war on terror’ era, engaged with the (...)
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    Feminism, Anti-Fascism, and the Question of Violence.Liesbeth Schoonheim - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 (1):143-156.
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    The Dance of Dependency: A Genealogy of Domestic Violence Discourse.Kathleen J. Ferraro - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (4):77 - 91.
    Domestic violence discourse challenges cultural acceptance of male violence against women, yet it is often constituted by gendered, racialized, and class-based hierarchies. Transformative efforts have not escaped traces of these hierarchies. Emancipatory ideals guiding 1970s feminist activism have collided with conservative impulses to maintain and strengthen family relationships. Crime control discourse undermines critiques of dominance through its focus on individual men. Domestic violence discourse exemplifies both resistance to and replication of hierarchies of power.
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    Discursive patterns of anti-feminism and pro-feminism in Arabic newspapers of the KACST corpus.Sultan Almujaiwel - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (5):441-466.
    This article presents the results of an analysis of the large-scale processed texts of Arabic newspapers in the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Arabic Corpus Project. I adopted methods modified from the Biber Connor Upton Approach to retrieve the expanded concordances of the lexical units almarᵓa and alnisāᵓ from the corpus. The extracted text reveals the discursive patterns regarding a number of topics which are discussed in Arabic newspapers, namely, socio-culture and eco-politics. The results of the study show (...)
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    Violence in Fascist Criminal Law Discourse: War, Repression and Anti-Democracy. [REVIEW]Stephen Skinner - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (2):439-458.
    This article constructs a critical historical, political and theoretical analysis of the essence of Fascist criminal law discourse in terms of the violence that shaped and characterised it. The article examines the significance of violence in key declarations about the role and purpose of criminal law by Alfredo Rocco, Fascist Minister of Justice and leading ideologue, in his principal speech on the final draft of the 1930 Italian Penal Code. It is grounded on the premise that criminal (...)
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    India's Obsession with Kashmir: Democracy, Gender, (Anti-)Nationalism.Nitasha Kaul - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):126-143.
    This article attempts to make sense of India's obsession with Kashmir by way of a gendered analysis. I begin by drawing attention to the historical and continuing failure of Indian democracy in Kashmir that results in the violent and multifaceted dehumanisation of Kashmiris and, in turn, domesticates dissent on the question of Kashmir within India. This scenario has been enabled by the persuasive appeal of a gendered masculinist nationalist neoliberal state currently enhanced in its Hindutva avatar. I focus on understanding (...)
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  11. Discourses of Sexual Violence in a Global Framework.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2009 - Philosophical Topics 37 (2):123-139.
    In this paper I make a preliminary analysis of Western (or global North) discourses on sexual violence, focusing on the important concepts of “consent” and “victim.” The concept of “consent” is widely used to determine whether sexual violence has occurred, and it is the focal point of debates over the legitimacy of statutory offenses and over the way we characterize sex work done under conditions involving economic desperation. The concept of “victim” is shunned by many feminists and nonfeminists (...)
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    Carceral and Intersectional Feminism in Congress: The Violence Against Women Act, Discourse, and Policy.Nancy Whittier - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):791-818.
    This paper uses a materialist feminist discourse analysis to examine how women’s movement organizations, liberal Democrats, and conservative Republican legislators shaped the Violence Against Women Act and the consequences for intersectional and carceral feminism. Drawing on qualitative analysis of Congressional hearings, published feminist and conservative discussion of VAWA, and accounts of feminist mobilization around VAWA, I first show how a multi-issue coalition led by feminists shaped VAWA. Second, I show how discourses of crime intermixed with (...)
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  13.  26
    The Sexual Politics of Anti-Trafficking Discourse.Prabha Kotiswaran - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (1):43-65.
    20 years since the negotiation of the Palermo Protocol on Trafficking in 2000, the anti-trafficking field has gone from an early, almost exclusive preoccupation with sex work to addressing extreme exploitation in a range of labour sectors. While this might suggest a reduced focus on the nature of the work performed and a greater focus on the conditions under which it is performed, in reality, anti-trafficking discourse remains in the grip of polarised positions on sex work even (...)
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  14.  19
    Sexual Violence and Humiliation: A Foucauldian-Feminist Perspective.Dianna Taylor - 2019 - Routledge.
    This book presents humiliation as a key harm of sexual violence against women, showing that humiliation manifests within the relation of self to itself, and that Foucault's critique of subjectivity provides resources for feminist conceptualization and countering of sexual violence and humiliation. Within feminist philosophy and theory, rape and sexual assault are often described as humiliating to victims, yet relatively few in-depth feminist philosophical accounts and analyses exist of humiliation as a harm of sexual (...) against women. This book provides such an account and analysis of both humiliation generally and sexual humiliation resulting from sexual violence more specifically. The book's elucidation of possibilities for countering sexual violence and humiliation, moreover, breaks with standard feminist approaches by critiquing rather than appealing to subjectivity. Through analysing specific instances of anti-sexual violence protest, it shows that cultivation of alternative modes of self-relation furthers rather than undermines feminist efforts to combat sexual violence. Throughout, the book draws upon concrete, recent and contemporary instance of sexual violence against women and feminist anti-sexual violence protest to illustrate and support its arguments. This will become a key text for feminist scholars and Foucault scholars in the humanities and social sciences, and for graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It will also be of interest to feminist anti-sexual violence activists. (shrink)
  15.  21
    Feminism, Violence, and the State.Sarah Tyson - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 97-108.
    This chapter critiques a recent defense of the anti-rape movement by Carrie N. Baker and Maria Bevacqua that is symptomatic of white feminism’s understanding of violence and the state. I critique Baker and Bevacqua’s piece for its “knowing, loving ignorance,” as defined by Marianna Ortega. I reach this diagnosis by examining how Baker and Bevacqua use the work of women of color to substantiate their own narrative of the anti-rape movement while distorting the critical and constructive work (...)
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    “Unpalatable Messages”? Feminist Analysis of United Kingdom Legislative Discourse on Stalking 1996–1997.Helen Reece - 2011 - Feminist Legal Studies 19 (3):205-230.
    North American scholarship has charted resonances between 1990s legislative and feminist discourse concerning violence against women. Feminist critique of official discourse surrounding the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 suggests that 1990s resonances did not reach the UK: however, an examination of the Hansard debates suggests this under-estimates the influence of feminist discourse. Halley’s discussion of “bad faith” helps to explain both the tendency of feminists to under-estimate their influence and why this matters. A (...)
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    The Comrade is Violent: Liberal Discourses of Violence in Anti-austerity Greece.Pavlos Hatzopoulos & Korinna Patelis - forthcoming - Theory and Event 16 (1).
  18.  10
    ‘Invisibilise’ This: Ocular Bias and Ableist Metaphors in Anti-Oppressive Discourse.Michael Wilson Becerril - 2018 - Feminist Review 120 (1):130-134.
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    Some Men: Feminist Allies in the Movement to End Violence Against Women.Michael A. Messner, Max A. Greenberg & Tal Peretz - 2015 - Oup Usa.
    What does it mean for men to join with women in preventing sexual assault and domestic violence? This book, based on life history interviews with men and women anti-violence activists, illuminates both the promise of men's violence prevention work, as well as the strains and tensions that inhere, both for men as feminist allies, and for the women they work with.
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    Online feminist practice, participatory activism and public policies against gender-based violence in Spain.Susana Vázquez Cupeiro, Diana Fernández Romero & Sonia Núñez Puente - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (3):299-321.
    This article presents and reflects upon the results of a survey involving a sample of women who have experienced gender-based violence and who have turned to an institutional centre to tackle their situation. In aiming to move beyond a descriptive treatment, we consider the plurality of user types and their remote use patterns in relation to the resources offered by virtual feminist communities designed to promote increased sociopolitical mobilisation in the fight against violence against women. We will (...)
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  21. Resisting Sexual Violence: What Empathy Offers.Sarah Clark Miller - 2019 - In Wanda Teays, Analyzing Violence Against Women. Cham: Springer. pp. 63-77.
    The primary aim of this essay is to investigate modalities of resistance to sexual violence. It begins from the observation that the nature of what we understand ourselves to be resisting—that is, how we define the scope, content, and causes of sexual violence—will have profound implications for how we are able to resist. I critically engage one model of resistance to sexual violence: feminist philosophical scholarship on self-defense, highlighting several shortcomings in how the feminist self-defense (...)
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    Degendering the problem and gendering the blame: Political discourse on women and violence.Nancy Berns - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (2):262-281.
    This article describes political discourse on domestic violence that obscures men's violence while placing the burden of responsibility on women. This perspective, which the author calls patriarchal resistance, challenges a feminist construction of the problem. Using a qualitative analysis of men's and political magazines, the author describes two main discursive strategies used in the resistance discourse: degendering the problem and gendering the blame. These strategies play a central role in resisting any attempts to situate social (...)
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  23.  23
    Feminist Dilemmas: How to Talk About Gender-Based Violence in Relation to the Middle East?Nadje Al-Ali - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):16-31.
    The article charts my trajectories as a feminist activist/academic seeking to research, write and talk about gender-based violence in relation to the Middle East. More specifically, I am drawing on research and activism in relation to Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon to map the discursive, political and empirical challenges and complexities linked to scholarship and activism that is grounded in both feminist and anti-racist/anti-islamophobic politics. While reflecting on my positionality, the article aims to challenge the binary (...)
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  24. Anti-Carceral Feminism and Sexual Assault—A Defense.Chloë Taylor - 2018 - Social Philosophy Today 34:29-49.
    Most mainstream feminist anti-rape scholarship and activism may be described as carceral feminism, insofar as it fails to engage with critiques of the criminal punishment system and endorses law-and-order responses to sexual and gendered violence. Mainstream feminist anti-rape scholars and activists often view increased conviction rates and longer sentences as a political goal—or, at the very least, are willing to collaborate with police and lament cases where perpetrators of sexual violence are given “light” or (...)
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    Resisting the Subject: A Feminist-Foucauldian Approach to Countering Sexual Violence.Dianna Taylor - 2013 - Foucault Studies 16:88-103.
    This essay makes a case for the relevance of Foucault’s critique of modern Western subjectivity for feminist efforts toward countering sexual violence against women. In his last four Collège de France courses, Foucault shows that subjectivity produces a normalizing relation of the self to itself, the effects of which extend beyond the self in equally harmful ways. As I see it, this harm is especially damaging to women who have experienced sexual violence; moreover, it inhibits effective (...) resistance to such violence. Through analyzing a particular instance of feminist activism, I argue for the anti-normalizing potential of a contemporary mode of self-relation that functions in a way analogous to that fostered by the ancient practice of parrhēsia. (shrink)
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    Defining ‘Gender’ Across Europe: A Linguistic Analysis of the Definition, Translation, and Interpretation of the Word ‘Gender’ from the Beijing Declaration to the Istanbul Convention.Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1217-1238.
    The present work discusses the complex nature of the term ‘gender’ in legal discourse, in the wake of the recent pushbacks that the 2011 Istanbul Convention has received from anti-feminist movements and nations that have not signed/ratified the document or have withdrawn from it. Though its original aim was to protect women’s rights, the debate has eventually surfaced deeply-rooted problems linked to gender-related vocabulary. For this reason, the study will analyse the use of the terms ‘gender’ and (...)
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    ANDERSON's ETHICAL VULNERABILITY: animating feminist responses to sexual violence.Emily Cousens - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):165-180.
    Pamela Sue Anderson argues for an ethical vulnerability which “activates an openness to becoming changed” that “can make possible a relational accountability to one another on ethical matters”. In this essay I pursue Anderson’s solicitation that there is a positive politics to be developed from acknowledging and affirming vulnerability. I propose that this politics is one which has a specific relevance for animating the terms of feminist responses to sexual violence, something which has proved difficult for feminist (...)
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    Book Review: Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: Ethics, Law and the Muslim Discourse on Gender. [REVIEW]Zahra Ali - 2016 - Feminist Review 112 (1):e1-e3.
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  29. The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism.Hal Foster - 1983 - In The Anti-aesthetic: essays on postmodern culture. Port Townsend, Wash.: Bay Press. pp. 62.
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    " Violence Is Not an Evil": Ambiguity and Violence in Simone de Beauvoir's Early Philosophical Writings.Ann V. Murphy - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (1):29-44.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Violence Is Not an Evil”Ambiguity and Violence in Simone de Beauvoir’s Early Philosophical WritingsAnn V. MurphyThe recent translation and compilation of several of Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophical essays from the 1940s shed new light on Beauvoir’s understanding of the relationship between ethics and violence. While these essays predate the publication of The Second Sex (1949) and do not concern themselves with the subject of feminism per (...)
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  31. De/gendering violence and racialising blame in Swedish child welfare: what has childhood got to do with it?Zlatana Knezevic, Maria Eriksson & Mia Heikkilä - 2021 - Journal of Gender-Based Violence 5 (2): 199-214(16).
    This article is a critical interrogation of how gender and power figure in Swedish child welfare policy and the discourses on violence in intimate relationships vis-à-vis children exposed to violence. Drawing on feminist violence research, critical childhood studies, and intersectional perspectives, we identify a differentiation with racialised undertones in the understanding of violence as a social problem when related to children’s exposure. While predominately gender-neutral discourses of social heredity and epidemiology run through the material for (...)
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    Biology, Contingency and the Problem of Racism in Feminist Discourse.Claire Peta Blencowe - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (3):3-27.
    In the 1970s and 1980s a strong opposition and anxiety towards biological and naturalizing knowledges was the norm in feminist discourse. In the past decades the certainties of that ‘anti-biologism’ have been challenged, in part because of a new recognition of the role of contingency in both biological determination and biological science. What seems to have survived the shift is a set of normative assumptions concerning the role of determinacy and contingency (or being-born and becoming) in the (...)
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    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Neha Vora - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):8-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface At a time when access to safe abortions is being curtailed in the United States under the pretext of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Feminist Studies issue focuses on abortion and women’s embodiment. The essays by Melissa Oliver-Powell, Rachel Alpha Johnston Hurst, and Jennifer L. Holland each contribute new approaches to the stillvexed topic of abortion, positioning movements for abortion access in relation to historical (...)
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    Overcoming Violence in Practice.Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):73-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Overcoming Violence in Practice1Sarah K. PinnockIn Christian thought, the classic theological response to evil and suffering, known as "theodicy," operates on a metaphysical level. It aims to elucidate questions about God: God's power to prevent evil, God's goodness and justice, and God's purposes in allowing evil. It also examines questions about humanity: Are humans chronically prone to sin and violence? Does suffering serve good purposes? Does God (...)
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    Why Althusser killed his wife: essays on discourse and violence.Geraldine Finn - 1996 - Atlantic Highland, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    This selection of essays represents a continuous and coherent developing work which integrates philosophical (abstract) and political (concrete) concerns. The essays draw on an extensive knowledge of and familiarity with 20th-century European philosophy.
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    Global Intimacies: China and/in the Global South.Lisa Rofel & Megan Sweeney - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):466-468.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 251 7 preface 8 In recent years, people all over the world have become ever more aware of being drawn into intimate—and unequal—relations with one another, whether through environmental crises, the COVID-19 pandemic, global economic commodity chains, violent conflicts, forced displacements, or political protests and social movements. This special issue features China’s so-called rising presence as (...)
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  37. Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (encyclopedia entry).Anna Carastathis - 2017 - In Mortimer Sellers & Stephan Kirste, Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1-5.
    This encyclopedia entry focuses primarily on Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw’s theoretical contributions, but also discusses how through her activism, intersectionality – as a framework or an analytic sensibility for making visible the sociolegal invisibility of women of color (and multiply oppressed social groups more generally) – has become praxis, revealing how Black women and other women of color fall “through the cracks” of mutually exclusive anti-racist and feminist discourses or, rather, are pushed into the chasm produced by their respective (...)
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    Preface.Judith Kegan Gardiner & Priti Ramamurthy - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):503-508.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface This issue of Feminist Studies explores the ways institutions—legal, governmental, medical, educational, and household—participate in the gendering of bodies and are themselves gendered. At any given historical moment, dominant and resistant meanings of “women,” “gender,” and “sexuality” are socially and politically constituted in institutions through cultural struggles. The authors in this issue discuss how birth control, assisted reproduction, transsexual transition, hegemonic masculinity, abortion, and domestic violence (...)
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  39. Globalizing Feminist Ethics.Alison M. Jaggar - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (2):7 - 31.
    The feminist conception of discourse offered below differs from classical discourse ethics. Arguing that inequalities of power are even more conspicuous in global than in local contexts, I note that a global discourse community seems to be emerging among feminists, and I explore the role played by small communities in feminism's attempts to reconcile a commitment to open discussion, on the one hand, with a recognition of the realities of power inequalities, on the other.
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    Preface.Priti Ramamurthy, Kathryn Moeller, Alexis Pauline Gumbs & Lisa Rofel - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (2):281-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface The essays in this special issue on Indigenous Feminisms in Settler Contexts engage feminist politics from multiple Indigenous geographies, histories, and standpoints. What emerges is a panoramic view of Indigenous feminist scholarship’s conceptual, linguistic, and artistic activism at this moment in time. We learn of praxis aimed at reclaiming Indigenous languages and ecological perspectives and the varied modes of resistance, survivance, and persistence. We also unpack (...)
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  41. Epistemologies of Discomfort: What Military-Family Anti-War Activists Can Teach Us about Knowledge of Violence.Shari Stone-Mediatore - 2010 - Studies in Social Justice 4 (1):25-45.
    This paper examines the particular relevance of feminist critiques of epistemic authority in contexts of institutionalized violence. Reading feminist criticism of “experts” together with theorists of institutionalized violence, Stone-Mediatore argues that typical expert modes of thinking are incapable of rigorous knowledge of institutionalized violence because such knowledge requires a distinctive kind of thinking-within-discomfort for which conventionally trained experts are ill-suited. The author demonstrates the limitations of “expert” modes of thinking with reference to writings on the (...)
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    Conceptualising violence and gender in the Brazilian context: New issues and old dilemmas.Maria Filomena Gregori & Guita Grin Debert - 2016 - Feminist Theory 17 (2):175-190.
    This article examines conceptualisations of violence against women developed in Brazilian feminism, and in legal and institutional measures against violence, from the 1980s to the present. Based on ethnographic studies carried out at the Women’s Police Stations and Special Criminal Courts, and the controversies surrounding the 2006 Brazilian Law on domestic and familial violence, the authors map the meanings of expressions such as ‘violence against women’, ‘marital violence’, ‘domestic violence’, ‘family violence’ and ‘gender (...)
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    An Intersectional Analysis of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) People’s Evaluations of Anti-Queer Violence.Doug Meyer - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (6):849-873.
    The author uses an intersectionality framework to examine how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people evaluate the severity of their violent experiences. Previous research focusing on the severity of anti-LGBT violence has given relatively little attention to race, class, and gender as systems of power. In contrast, results from this study, based on 47 semi-structured, in-depth interviews, reveal that Black and Latino/latina respondents often perceived anti-queer violence as implying that they had negatively represented their racial communities, (...)
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    Discourse, intersectionality, critique: theory, methods and practice.Eleonora Esposito - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (5):505-521.
    For the past thirty years, Critical Discourse Studies has been consolidating as a form of linguistically-oriented, critical social research which is characterized by a deep interest in actual social issues and forms of inequality, such as racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and sexism, both in terms of the asymmetries between participants in discourse events and their unequal capacity to control how texts are produced, distributed and consumed. In parallel, since its coinage in Kimberlé Crenshaw's African American feminist critique (...)
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    Gender, Violence and the Neoliberal State in India.Navtej Purewal, Jennifer Ung Loh & Kalpana Wilson - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):1-6.
    This article explores sex selective abortion as a form of structural violence within the broader notion of women's ‘protection’ in contemporary India. While SSA tends to be framed more generally within ethical and choice-based frameworks around abortion access and reproductive ‘rights’, and specifically in India around preference for sons as a discriminatory, cultural, technological misogyny, this article argues that sex selective abortion in India needs to be understood as an outcome of broader systemic economic, political and social processes. The (...)
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    The Imperative of Brutality over Morality: A Feminist Perspective on the Gendered Violence Legitimised in Peace and Exacted in War.Brenda Sharp - 2018 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (1).
    This paper examines the vagaries of war and peace discourse which seek to legitimise the notion of brutality over the principle of morality. In recognition of the limitlessness of brutality the just war tradition was developed to take account of the reasons for going to war and of the conduct of war. Nevertheless, the just war solution can invoke a mode of binary thinking dictating the imperative of brutality over morality during a conflict situation. Feminist scholars argue that (...)
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    Regimes of Visibility: Representing Violence against Women in the French Banlieue.Sarah Dornhof - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):110-127.
    Recent discussions about violence against women have shifted their attention to specific forms of violence in relation to migration and Islam. In this article, I consider different modes of representing women's experiences in French immigrant communities. These representations relate to the French feminist movement Ni Putes Ni Soumises (neither whore nor submissive), a movement that in the early 2000s deplored both the sustained degradation of certain banlieue neighborhoods and also the charges and restrictions that this entails, particularly (...)
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    Stop Blaming me for What Others Did to you: New Alternative Masculinity’s Communicative Acts Against Blaming Discourses.Tinka Schubert, Consol Aguilar, Kyung Hi Kim & Aitor Gómez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Some feminist discourses blame some men for gender inequality, gender domination, and gender-based violence. Some women use such discourse as a perfect scenario to criticize some men’s behavior. Indeed, they usually do so with Oppressed Traditional Masculinities but not with Dominant Traditional Masculinities, who are the men who were violent with those women and with whom some of those women chose to have relationships. However, there have always been men who have been on the side of women (...)
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  49. Decolonizing the Intersection: Black Male Studies as a Critique of Intersectionality’s Indebtedness to Subculture of Violence Theory.Tommy J. Curry - 2021 - In Robert K. Beshara, Critical Psychology Praxis: Psychosocial Non-Alignment to Modernity/Coloniality. Routledge. pp. 132-154.
    Intersectionality has utilized various feminist theories that continue subculture of violence thinking about Black men and boys. While intersectional feminists often claim that intersectionality leads to a clearer social analysis of power and hierarchies throughout society and within groups, the categories and claims of intersectionality fail to distinguish themselves from previously racist theories that sought to explain race, class, and gender, based on subcultural values. This article is the first to interrogate the theories used to construct the gendered (...)
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  50. Rorty's anti-representationalism in the context of sexual violence.Linda Martin Alcoff - 2010 - In Marianne Janack, Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Pennsylvania State University Press.
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